Here are the links to all of the different activities/projects that didn't go in the journal. The oldest onees are toward the bottom and the most recent ones are at the top.
(not all files from semester I are uploaded)
Semester II
I added a video to my website.
(it's hidden on the main page)
Google Form
I learned how to style forms and designed a page that looks exactly like a google form.
iceCreamForm.htmlSemester I
Grid Practice
I learned about CSS grid and used these pages to practice and demonstrate it.
Zoo Website
For this activity, I was given a pre-made zoo website and told to mess around with the styles.
Library Website
I was given a library website that was alredy designed and I was told to change the content in some different ways.
CSS Cascade
In this assignment, I made a simple site and played with the css and how it effected different parts of the page.
html Tables
For this activity, I was given some data and lables to organdize in an html table. Then I was given the task of making a table showcasing all of my classes, their period, and a rating for each one. (I misspelled lemonade when making the file and didn't realize until later)
Encryption activity
For this activity, we learned about the public/private key encryption system and demonstrated it by sending encrypted messages to eachother.
(Send) Encrypted message
(receive) Encrypted message
Practicing html
In order to showcace my html skills, I was required to create a "lesson" for mr. Jones about one of the topics we have covered so far.
My first pages
While I was first learning to code html, I made a couple pages with very simple layouts. I have no idea why I made 2.